Monday, March 26, 2012

Random Things I Remember

I remember going to Falley's one time when I was a kid.  Or maybe it wasn't Falley's, but another smaller chain grocery store.  We didn't shop there too often - we mostly went to Dillon's.  But one time, we went to Falleys on 29th and Burlingame.

I remember that time - vaguely - that there were individually wrapped fruit leathers.

And I got to have one.

Specifics are gone from my mind.  But the important little gem remains.  That day, I got a special treat while shopping.

From then on, that store (now a gym) would always remind me of fruit leather.  And childhood.

Last year, March 2, 2011 - MayLee blows her first kiss

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

In like a Lion

At school today, the teachers and kids were talking about the first day of spring.  Here in the Tri-Cities, Spring comes in like a lion and leaves like a lamb.  We're not the only place, but certainly - you'd have to be here to appreciate the wind.  It's our version of thunder.

While they were talking, a few of the kids had to be reassured that "In like a lion, out like a lamb" is just an expression.  That lions weren't really going to be invading their playground.

I love my Alyson.

You're just telling me this NOW?

What do you mean we have a dog?

For more than a week now.

And I haven't posted about her here or on Facebook.

It's not because I'm not excited.  I am.  We love our little puppy.

It's not because I don't think you want to know.  I know that you're completely absorbed with every tiny inconsequential detail of our lives.

I don't even have a decent picture of her yet.  With or without the girls.

This is the best I can do.  She's darn cute.  Her name is Snickerdoodle, because her coloring reminded us of the cookie.

We adopted her from friends.

She's now 7 weeks old.

She's a mix: Miniature Pinscher & Shelty/Pomeranian
   That's right folks.  We have a sweet, small yappy dog.  That will be an indoor dog.  That Erik thought we'd never have.  (I win)

The funny thing is though, that it was Erik's idea to bring her home.  I've been very apprehensive about bringing a dog into our lives at this point - when we already don't really have time to keep on top of the house and have hobbies and children and jobs, etc. etc. etc.

But one day, he was on the way home from work and called to say that he was going to stop and pick up something furry before coming home.  

Check back tomorrow for more.  Maybe I'll even have a picture.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Harry Potter

Randomly, I just remembered the night I picked up my copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

I was very pregnant with Alyson.

It was cold while I waited in line for my reservation number.  The earlier you got in line, the sooner you could get your book.  I took off work a little early so that I could wait.  I think I was about number 78 when I got my armband.

While I was waiting, I chatted happily with a random lady.  She was nice - I don't remember everything we talked about, but I do remember talking about elaborate costumes and SCA (the Society for Creative Anachronism).  She told me she thought Harry was a horcrux and that Snape had been under Dumbledore's orders to kill him.  I remember being impressed at those theories.  I myself had not made it that far, but then I hadn't been on Mugglenet in a while.

Later that night - after eating dinner and relaxing a bit, I headed back to B&N.  There were a lot of people there.  Almost like a mosh pit.  A lot of them were wearing costumes.  I wasn't that cool, so I was jealous.  There were so many people that they didn't let everyone in.  Fire code and all that nonsense.

I did happen to make it in when some poor saps left without fully thinking their decision through.

And then.  At 1130 pm.  30 Minutes to go before The Book was to be released, a lady with a megaphone started talking.  It took a little while for everyone to stop talking so they could hear her.  When they did, this is what she said.

"Good evening everyone!  We're excited to have all of you here in the store tonight.  I know we all can't wait until midnight for the book to be released.
"Before we can do that, we have a couple things to establish.  Books will be provided according to the number on your reservation wristband.  Please take a look at your number now.
"We will start by providing books to those with wristbands between 1 and 100.  If you have one of those numbers, congratulations!  You're almost there!  The problem is that we have quite a few of our customers waiting outside who have those numbers and they can't get in while we have such a full house.
"So what I need now is for people with numbers over 200 to exit the store so that they can come in."
This was greeted by silence and blank stares.
"Did you think I was kidding?  No, seriously people, I need you to exit the store at this time to allow our 1-100 customers to arrive.  You will be able to re-enter the store as soon as they start to exit."
Yeah, that went over exceptionally well.  I was glad I didn't have to leave, and after excitedly picking up my book, I read for about 20 minutes in the parking lot before driving home.

Spoilers below.  Want to read them?  Click and drag down starting here.

And then the next day, after I'd been reading straight through, I came out of our room with my face a swollen and blubbery mess to announce to Erik that JK Rowling was, indeed going to kill off Harry.  I was pleased to find that Snape was a good guy.  I wish I was as cool as hipster Dumbledore who trusted Snape before it was cool... Alas, I'm not as awesome as him...

Thursday, March 1, 2012


So I'm a little behind.  I need to get more posts scheduled.

In the meantime, here are some gems for your pleasure.

One morning, MayLee came to our room while I was brushing my teeth.  When I came out, I helped her into my bed so I could snuggle with her for a minute.  Before I knew it, she'd already made herself comfortable on my pillow.  When I tried to scoot her over, she said with closed eyes:
"Eeping till.  No move me."

The other day, Erik was eating a steak for dinner (it was second chance night - AKA leftovers). Towards the end, he picked it up and was eating the last bits from the bone.  Alyson looked at him and asked:
"Are you eating steak on the cob?"

On the way to dinner at "Shapeys" (Shakeys - kind of like Eatza Pizza), we stopped at the bank.
Alyson: "Where are we?"
Mommy: "We're at the bank."
Alyson: "Where are the goblins?"
Mommy: "They're at Gringotts.  This is a different bank."